Babes love plants and so does my friend Connor. This section is for them.
This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone with an ounce of critical thinking to their name, but it surprised me to see all the trendy tropical houseplants that everyone loves in the US grow naturally and abundantly here in the tropics.
April 2023 - December 2023
Whereas Gleno was in a river valley, those rivers were fed by the the higher mountains of Ermera Vila, my permanent home I came to in April. It is even cooler here than Gleno, with most mornings and evenings requiring a light jacket. Asides from the driest part of the dry season, it is exceptionally green here, with a dense wealth of plants growing under the towering samtuku trees used to shade the vast wild coffee plantations.
January 2023 - March 2023
These photos are mostly from Gleno, a small village an hour’s drive from the coast and capital. It isn’t too far above sea-level but is enough to significantly cool down compared to Dili. Plenty of tropical plants grow with ease, but it fortunately doesn’t feel like a jungle.