Remember after the 2016 presidential election Mark Zuckerburg went on a 50-state tour of the US to “learn about the people who use his platform”? Remember it being absolutely not a backfired presidential pre-bid because of all the incredibly awkward photos of him next to normal people?

While I have no intention of profiting off of destabilizing American democracy, I respect a glammy photoshoot to boost one’s clout. Mark Zuckerburg taught me to not let my awkward side, or shame, stop me from posting. For that I owe him everything. Meta commentary aside (get it?) this gallery is dedicated to my Mom who gets to see nice pictures of her son. I also must give considerable credit to my Country Director Jamie Fouss, a godsend of a man, who the size of his heart is only matched by the size of his camera budget. Most of these will be his work, which I doubly appreciate because my pride prevents me from ever asking someone to take a photo of me. Also, the content of this website is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps, or the Timor-Leste Government.


January 2023 - April 2023

Peace Corps training and a little more


Oh The Friends You'll Make!


For the Plant Babes and My Friend Connor